Vegetarian Thai Food Discussion: Is it hard to be vegetarian in Thailand?

A little over 2 weeks into the month long vegetarian Thai food challenge for charity and we’ve received a few questions that we’d like to answer.
Below is a quick 6:34 video where we discuss our Thai food experience thus far:
Here’s what we briefly discuss in the video:
- Is is hard to be a vegetarian in Bangkok?
- What do you eat on a daily basis as a vegetarian in Thailand?
- Have you lost any weight since taking on the vegetarian challenge?
- Why would you 2 food (and meat) indulging fanatics eat vegetarian for a month?
If you haven’t already watched the video, check it our above and please let us know if you have any more questions or comments (please leave them below!).
Find a list of the daily updates and vegetarian restaurants we’ve visited in and around Bangkok by going to our Vegetarian Thai Food Index.
Thanks again for following along with us on this vegetarian Thai food challenge.