Vegetarian in Bangkok Week 1: Charity, Photo Contest, and YOU

By Dwight Turner
Vegetarian in Bangkok Week 1: Charity, Photo Contest, and YOU

At the beginning of this month we kicked off a month long “Eating Thai Food for Good” vegetarian campaign. The challenge has us running around Bangkok eating all kinds of vegetarian and vegan food.

However, we need YOUR help accomplishing the challenge and have come up with some great incentives for joining our cause (think free food –hint, hint).

Here’s the two big goals we will accomplish with your help and how we’ll reward you for participating:

Goal #1 – Giving to Charity

Our love of sharing food takes on an even deeper meaning this month! As an incentive to encourage giving we’re giving away the Eating Thai Food Guide for free this month when you make a donation to charity. You can buy the guide and the money will be donated to charity OR even better you can give directly to charity by clicking the durian below.  Join the challenge by clicking one of the pictures and making a donation!

Eating Thai Food Guide

Donate Now

Goal #2 – Sharing Awesome Thai Food

We believe Thai food is meant to be shared, so in addition to giving to charity, when you share your thai food photos this month, we’re giving you a chance to win cool prizes. Make sure you read the details below then start make plans to have a Thai feast and share it on facebook and twitter. We’ll have some cool prizes for the people who win that range from free lunch to a free night’s stay in Bangkok.

Facebook Photo Contest, Today! July 15th-17th

It’s really simple. Post your favorite Thai food photo on our facebook wall. Then get your friends to vote for it by clicking LIKE. The top three photos with the most likes win!

Twitter Photo Contest, July 22nd-24th

Do what you always when you’re out to eat, but this time win a prize for it. Tweet your Thai food photo on twitter and use the hashtag ‘#bkkfatty’. We’ll take your photo, load it on facebook where you can go and vote by clicking LIKE. Top 3 photos when a prize and bragging rights.

The Fine Print: You can only submit one photo per contest. The first photo submitted will be considered your entry. Both contests end at midnight on the day indicated. Top three contestants will all win a prize. In the event of a tie, decisions will be made by our panel of hungry judges. Winners will be announced mid-week following the end of the contest.

Thai Food Photo Contest

Here’s what to look forward to as we eat Thai food for good the rest of the month:

  • Daily Diet Updates – You can go HERE for a look at all the updates we’ve made since the vegetarian challenge began.
  • Vegetarian Food Porn – Full page photos of mouth watering vegetarian and vegan food in Bangkok (like our recent post of the Veggie Monger Bagel).
  • Interviews & Recipes With Eating & Cooking Enthusiasts – We’ve been talking to people who know a lot more about eating healthy than we do. We’ll be sharing their stories and food suggestions with you.
  • Facebook & Twitter Contests with Tasty Prizes – See above for details. Thanks to, Bkk Bagel Bakery, Lub d Hostel and Birds in a Row for coming up with great prizes for us to give away.
  • Restaurant Reviews – In addition to the daily updates of what we’re eating, we’ve also been dropping in on as many vegetarian or vegetarian-friendly restaurants in Bangkok as possible.

“Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures and one of our most basic human rights…” – Raymond Offenheiser, President of Oxfam America

The journey has just begun, but we’ve already learned so much on the way and have loved most of the food we’ve come across. Thank you for your support, suggestions and donations. Please continue to spread the word. Shake up your diet this month with healthy food and giving to others!

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