Thai Street Food Pork Omelet Recipe (Kai Jeow Moo Sab ไข่เจียวหมูสับ)

Egg and minced meat, that’s almost all you need!
There are plenty of Thai street food dishes that offer a dose of comfort, but if I were to take a guess, a Thai pork omelet might be pretty high on the list of many local Thais comfort food list.
It’s one of the simplest Thai dishes to make, and in Thailand it’s available at any and all stir fry street food (ahaan dtam song) restaurants.
So let’s make this Thai street food classic at home right now.

Here’s how to make a proper Thai kai jeow moo sab ไข่เจียวหมูสับ
Though an omelet is quite a universal food that you’ll find around the world, a Thai style omelet with minced pork (kai jeow moo sab ไข่เจียวหมูสับ) is quite distinctively different from a normal western style omelet.
I guess one of the biggest differences is that western omelets are often fried in less oil, or they use butter, whereas a Thai omelet is more of a “deep fried omelet.”
As long as you have your oil at the right hot temperature, it will fry the omelet beautifully on the outside, leaving it crisp and golden yellow, and it will be fluffy on the inside, and shouldn’t be too oily.
Ingredients for this Thai street food recipe are extremely simple, you just need two eggs, a heaping tablespoon of minced pork (or chicken), a splash of soy sauce, oil for frying, and tomato sauce as a condiment.
It’s really more about the cooking method that makes this omelet Thai style, as opposed to the ingredients.

Thai omelet, fresh out of the oil!
When you’re in Thailand, you’ll see vendors cooking Thai omelets in both small sauce pans (like I used in this recipe – make sure you check out the video), and others just use a wok or frying pan – all types of pans work fine.
The reason I used a small sauce pan is because you can make a beautiful looking circular omelet, the walls of the pan blocking the egg from spreading too far out.

A Thai style omelet
Once you beat up your eggs along with a heaping spoon of minced pork, add 3/4 of a teaspoon of soy sauce, keep whisking, and then it’s time to get frying.
You’re going to need about 1/2 a cup of oil, and you want it to be about 1 cm deep in the sauce pan. Make sure your oil is quite hot before frying, but using a medium hot fire – don’t burn the oil.
Once your oil is hot, pour in your egg mixture into the middle of the pan, and watch as it sizzles up in beauty – this is why the hot temperature of your oil is so important.

Kai jeow moo sab (ไข่เจียวหมูสับ)
I cooked this omelet for about 3o seconds on the first side and then flipped it over onto the other side.
You want to aim to only flip your omelet just once.
After flipping, I cooked it for another 30 seconds or so, while checking the bottom side to make sure it didn’t get too dark or burnt.
The final tip I have for you when you make this Thai omelet recipe, is to cook a pot of rice about 1 hour or 30 minutes before making the egg – there’s nothing worse than cooking a fresh hot beauty of an omelet only to realize you forgot about the rice (you can tell, I’ve done it too many times before)!

Thai pork omelet recipe ((ไข่เจียวหมูสับ))
(If you can’t see the video, watch it on YouTube here:
Thai pork omelet recipe (ไข่เจียวหมูสับ)
Time: About 10 minutes or less
Recipe size: This recipe includes 2 eggs, so you can either eat the full thing yourself or share – I’d recommend eating it all yourself!
Utensils: 6 inch sauce pan, spatula
Flavors: Salty, delicious
Eat it with: A fresh plate of steamed rice and something that’s known in Thai as sauce prik, which is like sweet tangy ketchup.
Be sure to check out our other Thai recipes by clicking here.

- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons minced pork (or minced chicken)
- ¾ teaspoon soy sauce
- About ½ cup of oil for frying
- Tomato sauce (optional)
- Fresh steamed rice
- The first thing I like to do is put my small sauce pan (about 6 inches in diameter) on the stove, turn it to a medium high heat, and add about ½ cup of vegetable frying oil to it. Then while your oil is heating up, you can quickly prepare you eggs, which will only take about 1 minute.
- Take your 2 eggs and crack them into a mixing bowl.
- Add about 2 tablespoons (I just guesstimated 1 heaping tablespoon) of minced pork or minced chicken to the egg.
- Add ¾ of a teaspoon of light soy sauce to your egg and pork.
- Break the yolks and start to really whisk and beat up the egg, using deep circular motions. The aim is to get your egg really beat up and start to see some bubbles - that way when you fry it, it puffs up and is nice and fluffy.
- When your oil has heated, walk over to your pan, while still beating your egg up until the last moment, and pour in your egg mixture directly into the center of the oil. If your oil is at the perfect temperature, it should bubble up all puffy.
- It should take about only about 30 seconds or so, depending on how hot your oil is (and you can be checking on it with your spatula), before it’s time to flip over your Thai omelet.
- After you flip over your omelet, cook it again for about 30 seconds or so, pressing it down with your spatula to confirm that it’s cooked all the way through.
- When the omelet is golden yellow on both sides, and there’s no runny egg in the middle, it’s ready. First drain all that excess oil off the egg.
- Hopefully you have some fresh hot rice already cooked. Get a plate of rice, and gently lay your beautiful Thai omelet over the rice in a blanket of comfort food.

See how fluffy that is on the inside!?
When you take your first bite of that hot fresh Thai omelet, you’re going to be amazed at how something so simple is so delicious!

Thai omelet recipe – so simple and so tasty!
When I’m eating at home, I like to eat brown rice, but when you’re eating on the streets of Thailand you’ll always be served white steamed rice with an omelet.
Enjoy this Thai pork omelet recipe (ไข่เจียวหมูสับ), let me know if you have any questions in the comments section below.