Eat Responsibly Day at Bo.lan

By Dwight Turner
Bo.lan Essentially Thai, Host of Eat Responsibly Day

Bo.lan Essentially Thai, Host of Eat Responsibly Day

A while back, I wrote about the push in Bangkok towards food awareness, especially the explosion of the organic scene which was almost non-existent a few years back.

At that time Eat Responsibly Day at Bo.lan (located on the backend of Sukhumvit 26 in Soi Rongnarong Pichai near the Four Wings Hotel) was just getting going, bringing producers together in a market in the Bo.lan Restaurant the first Saturday of every month.

Since then, the market has grown to accomodate a great variety of products and tasty things for you to try and buy when you visit.

I went this past Saturday and of course, I unregrettably ate too much.

(Sidenote: If you’re also Thai food crazy this is one of those cool laid back times where you can actually have a chat with Bo and Dylan the owners and head chefs at Bo.lan. That alone is a highlight, so what you see below is the bacon flavored icing on the cake for those who regularly attend this event.)

A chorizo bun made from Sloane's ethically raised pork and homemade sauces.

A chorizo bun made from Sloane’s ethically raised pork and homemade sauces.

Starting with a chorizo bun made from Sloane’s ethically raised pork, that I sloshed big scoops in braised onions and thyme and a homemade HP sauce made from mango.

Sizzling pork fillet being prepared at my next stop.

Sizzling pork fillet being prepared at my next stop.

Then I side stepped and hardly had to go a few feet to find my next fix of marinated pork fillet!

The pork fillet was so tender!

The pork fillet was so tender!

Nap time after a couple of plates of mango and blue sticky rice!

Nap time after a couple of plates of mango and blue sticky rice!

Of course, I didn’t escape without having something sweet. This is just a selection of what vendors had to offer. There are more pictures on the Bo.lan facebook page.

The new demand for healthier, sustainable ingredients is still blossoming in Bangkok and more people need to know about it. This is also one of our goals for next week’s Big Bite Bangkok, where Bo.lan and a great collection of other food producers will be ready to feed you.

Seeds for sale from Adam's Organic

Seeds for sale from Adam’s Organic

Artisian bread loaf stack by Urban Pantry Bkk

Artisian bread loaf stack by Urban Pantry Bkk

Sampler Plate from Radiance Whole Foods

Sampler Plate from Radiance Whole Foods

Support these businesses when you can! Mark and I look forward to meeting some of you next Sunday and tasting what they have to offer with you!

If you haven’t invited yourself yet, here’s the facebook invite for July’s Big Bite Bangkok.


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