Big Bites of Do Gooding with the Bangkok Food Community

By Dwight Turner

No one will deny Bangkok is a city inundated with food.

A few glances at the markets we’ve covered on ETF (see latest on Samrong Market or if you’re passing through take our floating market eating tour) and it’s easy enough to convince yourself this food haven, is indeed, food heaven.

Artisan Food Court

The early crowd arriving at Big Bite Bangkok. Let the tasting party begin!

But as much as Bangkok is a great home for foodies, it also has it’s peculiar nuances, one of them being the difficulty locating and connecting with a community of fellow food lovers.

Not the case this past Sunday at Big Bite Bangkok. For four hours we talked and fed our faces with the three hundred or so other foodies.

Sweet Fusion: Vietnamese & More's Version of Filipino Turon

Sweet Fusion: Big Bite Bangkok Vendor, Vietnamese & More’s Version of Filipino Turon

People ate and ordered more, while hanging out with new and old friends.


Meat Brownie, also known as Blood Sausage, from Big Bite Bangkok vendor, Quince

…Really? She’s hosting a supper club in her living room?

…He’s making beer in his bathtub?!

…So-and-so loves cooking too?

The conversations went on and on.

Take Home Treat: Slices of a Loaf of Cinnamon Raison Whole Wheat from Urban Pantry Bkk

Take Home Treat: Slices of a Loaf of Cinnamon Raisin Whole Wheat from Urban Pantry Bkk

When it was finally time to go, I took home freshly made artisan bread from Urban Pantry BKK. Their loaf of cinnamon raisin whole wheat bread was stuffed with raisins!

Big Sauce Donation from World Foods Helped Us Raise Money

Big Sauce Donation from World Foods Helped Us Raise Money for Charity

To make things even sweeter, people donated money to feed needy families with In Search of Sanuk.

World Foods gave a large donation of stir-fry sauces and salad dressings which we used to encourage people to donate, sending much of the crowd home with sauces to try.

But they weren’t the only super generous ones, some of the vendors such as Bangkok Glutton‘s sloppy joe booth also donated all of their proceeds and in a few hours we raised about $1000 with everyone’s help.

Thanks for supporting our event and big thanks to our host Maduzi Hotel for letting us take over their parking lot with the city’s best food!

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